Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Bit of a handful!

I'll start off with a weave update - I've purposely left his weave training for a few days but this morning I went down and tightened up the swivel bases so he can't push them open on his way through so easily, then I closed them up so there was only the very slightest of angle left open. I was expecting a lot of fails, but I was mistaken, he not only got about 80% success he has also started single footing. Still getting all the silly angles and i've even started putting jump sequences in front just to make it more interesting for him, and still he gets it right, so I'm very happy with his progress and will slowly continue adding other obstacles and close them completely over the next few months.
Last night we had training at Deena's and someone said to me "he's a bit of a handful isn't he" don't get me wrong, this wasn't a comment made with any malice, just an observation, and it made me think. I have made both my dogs excited, it's just the way I am, and I like to have a dog who is rearing to go on the line rather than one who has to be motivated into action, however unlike Maisy who will then take this uncontrolled excitement onto the agility course once Rupert is on the line I have complete control, so where's the harm - Well the reality of the situation is that I want control walking from the car/caravan to the course so this is an area I am going to have to work on, and sometimes it takes a comment to make you think and redress your training stratergies. So watch this space for updates.

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