Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Mucky Pup

This is the problem with having a Border Collie Puppy masquerading as a golden retriever!! after the refreshing rain yesterday afternoon the corn field was rather wet, our farmers are brilliant at creating a nice pathway for walkers so our trouser bottoms don't get too soaked but sadly Rupert and Dylan thought it might be fun to see if there was anything hiding in the corn!! both of them came out very wet and rather muddy! but with very large grins on their faces.
I'm on the countdown to our training day with Richard Curtis and thought I had better do a bit of training so we have at least got a small repetoir to show him, so I have begun to use left and right spins in his heelwork, not only can this be used to remind him to race back to the correct heelwork position but it will also be very useful on the agility field in the future.

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