Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Royal Wedding

We had a lovely non-dog related day on Friday celebrating the Royal Wedding with friends, and we were supposed to go to Dordale both Saturday and Sunday, but it was such a lovely weekend we decided to only go on Sunday, it wasn't a good show for us, i don't think we really got into the swing of it and decided to call it a day at lunchtime - Maisy had some great moments and really is powering into some very fast weave entrances but her contacts are going backwards! really don't know what to do about it now, so I'm just not going to worry about them for now, it's so frustrating though because it just highlights the fact she isn't listenng at all at that poing on the round so I am very dissapointed with that as I thought we had at last made a breakthrough. Summer had a nice clear in her agility, but it was slow! she is so up and down, one class she is really driven and the next she gets her nosey head on and trots around without a care so Amy wasn't in the mood to see what she was going to offer after lunch and I had had enough so we called it a day. Yesterday I took Rupert to an obedience training day, It was really nice to be doing something completely different with him, and he was as always a star, I have plenty to work on and already this morning have started to put it into action. he has a little UKA show on Saturday, he's only in one class which is first in the ring, Masiy is also entered but I may not bother with her so i could be home really early! then on Sunday it's Darian Day, something we all look forward to.

Happy 18th Birthday to Ellen, we hope you had a great day XX and another well done to Jo with Zippy & Ronny for their ABC qualifier - you really are on fire at the moment, I can't wait till July when hopefully some of your luck will rub off X

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